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主管单位 工业和信息化部 主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 任南琪 国际刊号ISSN 1672-5565 国内刊号CN 23-1513/Q

ZHANG Nan,LIN Zheng,LIAO Haihan,TANG Qizhu.Screening of hub genes related to oxidative stress in heart failure and candidatedrugs prediction based on bioinformatics analysis[J].Chinese Journal of Bioinformatics,2024,22(3):174-182.
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(1. 武汉大学人民医院 心血管内科,武汉 430060; 2. 代谢与相关慢病湖北省重点实验室,武汉 430060)
关键词:  生物信息学  心力衰竭  氧化应激  关键差异表达基因
Screening of hub genes related to oxidative stress in heart failure and candidatedrugs prediction based on bioinformatics analysis
ZHANG Nan1,2, LIN Zheng1,2, LIAO Haihan1,2, TANG Qizhu1,2
(1. Department of Cardiology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060, China; 2. Hubei Key Laboratory of Metabolic and Chronic Diseases, Wuhan 430060, China)
HJ1.4mm]To identify major genes and pathways involved in oxidative stress in heart failure by bioinformatics analysis. GSE120895 gene expression profiles are acquired from the GEO database. And GEO2R is used to identify differentially expressed genes. We intersect the differentially expressed genes with the oxidative stress-related genes screened in the GeneCard database to find the oxidative stress-related genes in heart failure. R software is used to conduct GO and KEGG analyses of differentially expressed genes. Module of PPI network and analysis of key genes using Cytoscape software. We employ GSE17800 gene expression profiles to confirm the expression of important genes. For important genes, medication interactions are predicted. We identify 52 differentially expressed genes that are up-regulated in response to oxidative stress. Five key genes(ACTB, STAT3, FN1, EDN1,and CAT)are selected as a result. These five genes are validated in the GSE17800 gene expression profile. 19 candidate medicines that might target important genes are subsequently predicted. This study employ bioinformatics to explore for distinct genes that may be important to oxidative stress in heart failure, and help to better understand the pathophysiology of heart failure and generates new therapeutic options.
Key words:  Bioinformatics analysis  Heart failure  Oxidative stress  Key differentially expressed genes

