引用本文: | 段龙飞,李文燕,慕小倩,张园园,郭邦利,陈国爱.茉莉酸信号受体COI蛋白家族的分子进化与基因表达分析[J].生物信息学,2016,14(3):146-155. |
| DUAN Longfei,LI Wenyan,MU Xiaoqian,ZHANG Yuanyuan,GUO Bangli,CHEN Guoai.Molecular evolution and gene expression of Jasmonic acid receptor COI protein family[J].Chinese Journal of Bioinformatics,2016,14(3):146-155. |
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茉莉酸信号受体COI蛋白家族的分子进化与基因表达分析 |
段龙飞1,3, 李文燕2,3, 慕小倩3, 张园园1, 郭邦利1, 陈国爱1
(1.安康市农业科学研究所,陕西 安康 725021;2.广东省农业科学院农业生物基因研究中心,广州510640;3.西北农林科技大学生命科学学院,陕西 杨凌 712100)
摘要: |
茉莉酸(Jasmonic acid, JA)存在于所有高等植物中,是植物对病原微生物和虫害防御反应的关键激素。在茉莉酸信号转导中,COI1(COR-insensitive 1)作为茉莉酸信号受体蛋白在其中发挥关键作用。本研究采用生物信息学方法, 从藻类、苔藓类、蕨类、裸子及单、双子叶植物多谱系对COI蛋白家族进行比较基因组学研究,并取得以下结果:(1)同源基因鉴定结果发现,在所选的7种陆生植物中一共鉴定了55个COIs同源基因,然而,在低等的水生植物包括绿藻类(Chlorophytes)、红藻类(Rhodophytes)、硅藻类(Bacillariophytes)、灰胞藻类(Glaucophytes)及褐藻类(Phaeophytes)等基因组中均未发现其同源基因;(2)系统进化树分析表明,植物COI 蛋白家族可以分为4个保守的亚家族,且在陆生植物扩增的同时可能已发生功能分化;(3)基因结构分析显示,植物COI家族基因结构表现多样性,主要体现在内含子的数目和长度上;(4)基因表达数据提示,COI基因家族成员参与植物生长发育的多个时期,且在不同组织器官以及不同的胁迫应答反应中发挥不同的作用。以上结果将为植物COI基因家族的深入研究提供参考。 |
关键词: 茉莉酸信号 COI蛋白家族 系统发育 扩增与进化 基因表达 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-5565.2016.03.04 |
分类号:Q344+.13 |
文献标识码:A |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(31401300)和广东省自然科学基金项目(2015A030313572)。 |
Molecular evolution and gene expression of Jasmonic acid receptor COI protein family |
DUAN Longfei 1,3, LI Wenyan 2,3, MU Xiaoqian 3 , ZHANG Yuanyuan 1, GUO Bangli 1, CHEN Guoai 1
(1.Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Ankang, Ankang Shaanxi 725021,China; 2.Agro-biological Gene Research Center, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou 510640,China; 3.College of Life Sciences, Northwest A & F University, Yangling Shaanxi 712100,China)
Abstract: |
Jasmonic acid as a plant hormone, which is important on pathogenic microorganisms and insect defense response in high plant. COI1 (COR-insensitive 1) as the receptor of JA signal, plays a key role in the signal transduction. Comparative genomic analysis was performed to investigate the original and evolutionary relationship among COI paralogs in plants. The main results are as follows: (1) 55 COI homologs were identified from 7 representative terrestrial species.Moreover, there were no COI homologs in aquatic algae. Phylogenetic analysis revealed 4 well-conserved subfamilies in plants. Lineage-specific expansion and functional differentiation exists among COI gene family. (3) Exon-intron structure analysis revealed that the gene structures of COI gene family is diversity,which has a variable number and length of introns. (4)Gene data suggest that COI gene family is involved in plant growth and development, and play different roles in different tissues and stress response. We provide valuable information for investigating the COI protein family in plants. |
Key words: JA signaling pathway COI gene family Phylogenetic analysis Expansion and evolution Gene expression |